The Bahir Revealed, based upon Aryeh Kaplan's translation, with my own commentary.

This is Book One of the Kabbalah Revealed Series.  The level of this book is from nephesh.  It is all a matter of viewpoint.   Each of these four books represent one of the four Kabbalistic worlds of nefesh, neshamah, ruach and yichud

TIKKUNEI ZOHAR REVEALED offers the first ever English Commentary of this Kabbalistic work.  It is book two in the Kabbalah Revealed series.  Therefore it represents Neshamah, the developing soul.   It contains 70 Tikkunim that explain the Hebrew word Bereishis or Beginning.  There are over 300 selections plus the seventy Tikkunim that are translated with commentary.

Book Three of the Kabbalah Revealed Series begins the heavenly ascension in earnest.  We learn about the pathways the levels of ascension.  Commentary explains the process and puts us on track.  This book represents the Ruach level of learning.

The Kabbalah Revealed Series.

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